Day 3: Joy
You'll see this three letter word a lot this season.
It's everywhere.
On Christmas Cards, gift wrap, in carols and songs.
Joy Joy Joy
The dictionary defines it as...
noun: 1. A feeling of great pleasure and happiness
2. A thing that causes joy
A feeling?
I hope it isn't just a feeling.
My feelings are up and down and all around.
I can't trust my feelings and certainly can't make decisions based on them.
I don't think of it as just a feeling of happiness either
I am seldom ever happy.
Chemical imbalances in my brain make me feel unhappy most ot the time.
It's called depression
I suffer from live with depression EVERY day
It's hard to feel happy. But I do have Joy
And for that I am thankful.
I have found the source of my Joy comes from within
It's more than just a feeling
Someone once said... Joy is Peace dancing
And Peace is Joy at rest.
Joy is something that is present ALL the time regardless of our circumstances or feelings
Joy is making a choice
And it's also a gift.
from God
btw...If you, like me choose Joy today, then you might want to avoid the mall.
All that driving around trying to find parking is sure to kill anyones Joy.
What's Playing
In the Kitchen:
Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole
+ lot of dishes at the Christmas Banquet.
In the Music Player
Joy to the World: Mariah Carey
(even if you don't like Mariah...your toes'll be tapping to this one)
Joy to the World : Avalon
In my Heart
Nehemiah 8:10
"The Joy of the Lord is my strength"
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